Joe’s Garage on WRKE

Joe’s Garage on WRKE is a broadcast/podcast series produced and hosted by Joe Boucher, Director of Student Activities & Colket Student Center at Roanoke College.
In Episode 1, “Home”, Joe employs music and memories that relate to the value of home and what it means to him.
Episode 1 Segment 1
Episode 1 Segment 2
In Episode 2, Joe takes us on a “Journey” playing songs that build on a theme similar to how film scores are created, and he shares more about his personal journey.
Episode 2 Segment 1
Episode 2 Segment 2
In Episode 3, Joe talks about his neighborhood in the NYC Burbs and ways he kept himself entertained. Among them, a bizarre penchant for collecting bottle caps, hundreds and hundreds of bottle caps; and keeping massive stats on a local lacrosse team.
Episode 3 Segment 1
Segment 2 opens with Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” then Joe takes us to the mall where he encounters “Officer Spotlight” who teaches him and his pals an important life lesson.
Episode 3 Segment 2
In Episode 4 of Joe’s continuing saga, he takes us on a job-hunting journey in competitive La La Land (Los Angeles for the uninitiated). In his quest, Joe sold Hondas at a dealership. Actually, just one Honda. For a while he worked at a gym. His other job offers included DJing at a strip club and hanging sheet rock. He turned those down and didn’t get the job waiting tables at a 1980s Middle Ages concept restaurant. Joe eventually landed his “Dream Job”, but you’ll have to listen to the 2 podcast segments below to find out about that dream-come-true position. Spoiler alert: It’s in Hollywood. And no, it wasn’t being a Cabana Boy to the stars.